For my 17th birthday, I ordered three items on Amazon but one of them is especially important (not only because It was the last one in stock) and I can't wait to have it in my own hands: Rookie Yearbook One.
Edited by Tavi Gevinson, Rookie Yearbook One is a 352 page collection of articles, interviews, photo editorials, and illustrations from Rookie’s first year – now in print.
I've read some quotes from the book and my favourite, at the moment, is:
“I was trying to decide which part of the day was my favorite. I love the night, I thought, when all the debauchery and fun of the world happens. But late afternoon feels so whole and comforting. And being out before 8:00 am is always incredibly huge- and open-feeling. But also, the space between night and the next morning is like this magical purgatory when you feel like you’re the only one alive, but fully alive. I couldn’t decide which part of the day I loved best, and I realized that this must mean I just love all 24 hours, and that by this principle I just seriously love life. It was a great realization.” -Some guy called Dylan.

The other two items are: IT by Alexa Chung (I'm very sure that I'll write a post about it later) and Humbug by Arctic Monkeys (already wrote about it, take a look)