
Rainy saturday

THE WORST. There is something I really hate about this kind of saturdays. Like: I spend the whole week thinking on what I'm going to do on saturday, for this

As I don't have anything to write about today, I'll do it about 5 reasons to watch Submarine, one of my favourite movies:

1. The soundtrack: It's so nice to watch a movie while Alex Turner is singing most of the time.

2. British humor: I don't find the american humor too funny, so it's refreshing to hear a different type of jokes. I found Submarine hilarious, without being stupid or exaggerated.

3. It's realistic: All of the actors look like normal persons, i mean: a teenager looks like a teenager really looks in school, a teacher doesn't look like Kim Kardashian, etc. 

4. Craig Roberts, principal actor: I don't even know how to explain it, but his work is great.

5. ''Submarine isn't an insipid teen comedy. It flaunts some stylistic devices, but it doesn't try too hard to be desperately clever.'' Roger Ebert, film critic.

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