Snap Out of It - Arctic Monkeys (2014)
Million Dollar Attitude: Nina Rindt
Since you can find style icons everywhere, I decided to start a new section: Million Dollar Attitude. A compilation of photos of persons with not only a great fashion sense, but a attitude game very strong.
Before marrying Jochen Rindt -Formula One World Champion in 1970- Nina was already into the racing world; her father was one of the most famous race car drivers in Finland.
Jochen Rindt and Nina
A meant-to-be couple
In most of her pictures, she is timing her husband's racing laps, wich is romantic and shows they were a team. The fact that she didn't just sit and watch her husband while he was wining competitions shows her as a passionate, professional and smart woman.
The style icon
For everyone who thought that a shiny green hat couldn't be iconic... should consider to buy one. Those pictures are from different days -look at her shirts and belts- and she looks gorgeous in both. Now I can't wait to take the weirdest garment in my closet and make it my thing.
And those were just two of her amazing outfits.
Thanks For Existing: James Page III
All this years I've been feeling a little bit hollow because of young Jimmy Page; 30 years ago he was so handsome and ridiculously good as guitarist (still good), what happened to that kind of rock and roll guys nowadays?¿? However, I was so depressed with the fact that Jimmy Page will always be 53 years older than me (obviously?) but I just found out that he has a 26 year-old son, James Patrick Page III.
He's an actor, so there is this film where he acts and HE LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE HIS FATHER I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT.
I just...
I really appreciate your existence, James Page III (can I call you Jimmy?) Thanks for existing.
Bésame mucho: The Police
Love is so fucking cute when you're in, but when you aren't it feels like two songs by The Police (80s-talk), according to the situation.
Situation #1: Am I invisible?
Every Breath You Take should be in your soundtrack by default if your crush hasn't noticed your existence (yet).
There is nothing wrong about the Every step you take, I´ll be watching you thing, I mean: if Sting could do it, so do you.
Answer: NO, you're not invisible. He/she is probably blind. You're amazing.
Situation #2: Keep a safe distance from me, nutter
Don't Stand So Close To Me and stop liking all my Instagram pics, please (actually, that would be a great single).
The song is, literally, about a teacher and a Nabokov-ish student, a very specific situation. But, have you heard the chorus? It's very relatable to your situation. You can feel the desperation and the fear in every word. Also, the song talks about the date rumors, people's prejudgement, frustrations and jealous friends that this situation can bring. Scariest thing.
Answer: It's not your fault, you're too good looking. Make your Instagram account private. If he/she keeps annoying you, call The Police.
(haha, get it?)
(that's was terrible)
Must read: Jason Miller, daily habits and your number one advocate.
Things i've read that you should read too.
(image taken from Rookie)
The Year I Learned Everything: I was lying in the couch, a Criminal Minds chapter playing in the background, and I decide to read random stuff on Rookie (as usually). After a couple articles, I found this one. The tale is a little bit large, but it's worthy. I stopped paying attention to Criminal Minds (yes, I'm serious) after a few minutes. The story is so well-written, tragic and, at the same time, romantic that I needed to know how it ends. I didn't cry (because it's very hard for me to cry, but many people did) but I won't be able to get it out of my mind for a couple days. Greatest thing of the week.
17 advices from some guy's dad: My parents are divorced and I live with my mother. Was I looking advices from someone else dad? Was I? Maybe, who knows. However, I think i found whatever I was looking for.
Your #1 fan: And 23 reasons to hug her.
Pastimes or life changers? I don't know, but happy start-of-the-week fellows.
DIY: Getting over toxic people

(do it yourself, because nobody will do it for you)
When a nice person becomes toxic is one of the hardest things in life to deal with. You want him/her/them back, but if you don't get over him/her/them now, you may/surely will regret it. So here's a little guide (based on my experiences) on how to recognize that it's over.
Not every toxic person is toxic on purpose, but after all: it is toxic. Open your eyes: You're drowning in poison because of him/her/them (I needed to specify that)
“When you start seeing your worth, you’ll find it harder to stay around people who don’t.”
Worth by Emily S. P.
A person's toxicity come from us. The thing is: If a person is toxic for you, it doesn't mean that is toxic for everyone. So don't put posters all over your school exclaiming how toxic this person is, because what is poison for you, for others could be honey.
Make a playlist. Re-read your favourite book. Do anything that keeps you concentrate in your own happiness for a while. Don't think to much about it and let things happen. You must feel better after a time;
if you do: Great job, you made it! Now that you're a professional, you won't lose your time in this kind of people.
if you don't: ask yourself is this person the real problem, or it is someone/something else?. Put the cards on the table, make a list of possibly-toxic persons and go back to step 1.
Rookie Yearbook One

For my 17th birthday, I ordered three items on Amazon but one of them is especially important (not only because It was the last one in stock) and I can't wait to have it in my own hands: Rookie Yearbook One.
Edited by Tavi Gevinson, Rookie Yearbook One is a 352 page collection of articles, interviews, photo editorials, and illustrations from Rookie’s first year – now in print.
I've read some quotes from the book and my favourite, at the moment, is:
“I was trying to decide which part of the day was my favorite. I love the night, I thought, when all the debauchery and fun of the world happens. But late afternoon feels so whole and comforting. And being out before 8:00 am is always incredibly huge- and open-feeling. But also, the space between night and the next morning is like this magical purgatory when you feel like you’re the only one alive, but fully alive. I couldn’t decide which part of the day I loved best, and I realized that this must mean I just love all 24 hours, and that by this principle I just seriously love life. It was a great realization.” -Some guy called Dylan.

The other two items are: IT by Alexa Chung (I'm very sure that I'll write a post about it later) and Humbug by Arctic Monkeys (already wrote about it, take a look)
Five years of Humbug
Officially, the third studio album by Arctic Monkeys.
For me, a masterpiece and the coolest hairstyles they'll have. If I could shake hands with them while saying 'Great job, mates', I'll do it.

There are thousands of reasons why I love this album but the most essential thing is, in two words: BASS LINES.
It's very important and enjoyable, at least for me, when the bass has a starring role in a song and I can't believe these songs are from 5 years ago! I mean, compared to their other albums, the sound is so different that I never get bored of it.
Now, five of my favourites bass lines from the album are in:
1. Crying Lightning
2. Secret Door
3. My Propeller
4. Potion Approaching
5. Dance Little Liar
Humbug has a heavier sound, so If you're looking for something softer take a look at the other albums by Arctic Monkeys (the last two are the sweetestes). Nick O'Malley is an amazing bassist, so he won't disappoint you.
This one could be my favourite 21st century album, but the fact that all of the albums by Arctic Monkeys are from this century makes the decision harder.
Did I mention the hairstyles, right?
(From left to right: Alex Turner, Jamie Cook, Nick O'Malley, Matt Helders)
Happy birthday, Humbug!
Happy birthday, Humbug!
L is for Lolita
AND for Léon: The professional.
The year is 1994. A twelve-year-old Natalie Portman plays a girl who sets out to avenge her four-year-old brother's murder. She meets Léon, a hitman, and ask him to teach her to do his work.
With the pass of time, Mathilda (Portman) started having feelings for Léon. I couldn't stop myself from thinking of heart-shaped glasses... yes, Lolita.
Well, Lolita was the opposite; the man felt in love with her and for her everything was like a game. In Léon, the little girl felt something for the guy and he wasn't sure how to face it. However, I felt the same watching both movies: The uncomfortable sensation of seeing a younger girl being with an older man (and not like 3 years olders, much more) and the huge expectation of know how it ends.
Lolita, the movie, is more cheeky and daring than Léon but both of them are worthy of watching. To be honest, two of my favourites.

Here's the poster of the original Lolita (1962). As you can see, that's why i mentioned the heart-shaped glasses.
PS: There is a newer version of Lolita, from 1997.

Rainy saturday
THE WORST. There is something I really hate about this kind of saturdays. Like: I spend the whole week thinking on what I'm going to do on saturday, for this?
As I don't have anything to write about today, I'll do it about 5 reasons to watch Submarine, one of my favourite movies:
1. The soundtrack: It's so nice to watch a movie while Alex Turner is singing most of the time.
2. British humor: I don't find the american humor too funny, so it's refreshing to hear a different type of jokes. I found Submarine hilarious, without being stupid or exaggerated.
3. It's realistic: All of the actors look like normal persons, i mean: a teenager looks like a teenager really looks in school, a teacher doesn't look like Kim Kardashian, etc.
4. Craig Roberts, principal actor: I don't even know how to explain it, but his work is great.
5. ''Submarine isn't an insipid teen comedy. It flaunts some stylistic devices, but it doesn't try too hard to be desperately clever.'' Roger Ebert, film critic.

Who sold the world?
Like two years ago, I listen for the first time ''The man who sold the world'' by Nirvana (it was a MTV Unplugged) and I knew it wasn't an original song from them but i didn't look up for the original version... until yesterday. It's a pretty amazing song written and performed by David Bowie from the '70s. The Kurt Cobain version is sadder (obviously?) than David Bowie's, this one it's more weird and, I don't know, danceable. However, both versions have that cool riff that is basically the best thing in my iPod.
So yes, David Bowie sold the world... first.
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